
All Differences Aside

The fires in Southern California affected a few of the members of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association. Specifically the members of Fleet #7 in San Diego including Former Commodore Jim Baumgart who had to evacuate his family and tells of the fear and the heroic efforts of his family to get to a safe area.
There has been loss of life and over 2000 homes destroyed.
Our hearts go out to all the people of that area and hope they can get back to normal in a reasonable amount of time.


Bill Meinert Speaks Out Against Catalina Yachts

Bill Meinart, the newly elected V.P. of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association is well on his way to taking the voice of the assoc. members away by the elimination the Mainsheet Magazine and has taken a strong negative stance against Catalina Yachts.

He recently wrote to the other Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Officers;

"In the last 8 yrs with the asociation, to date I cann't recollect a single thing Catalina Yatchs has done for us, I could be wrong, but they really have never supported us in the past.

Bill MeinertVice Commodore
Sailing Longwind #1408"

(Spelling mistakes are his)

Underlined words are links to the subject


Farewell To The Association

As much fun as it is to post photos of the humongous Frank Hopper (see photo below) we need to examine the harm he and Duane Wolff have done to the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association

Frank Hopper, Past Commodore wrote in his farewell;

Had this forum remained as merely an adjunct to the Mainsheet magazine and an unofficial means of communication the Association would have become moribund. Now we are the most vital and best example of what a Catalina association can be, that is because people worked to change the by-laws and recognize that the community on the internet and the power of the internet was the future of the Association.

What Frank Hopper and the other C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers have done is to make sure the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association ONLY serves the participants of the Association Forum.
By going to the Association Forum, Members page anyone can see that fewer than 100 members use the Association Forum on a regular basis. That leaves 600 FULLY PAID Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Members out in the cold.

When Frank was Vice Commodore, he went on record saying that only users of the Association Forum had any business being members of the Association.
What Frank and his compatriot Duane Wolff have done in destroying the Association is to empower 4-5 members to manipulate the Nationals and put unearned silver on their mantels.
The Mainsheet Magazine cannot cater to all the needs of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association membership and no one has ever claimed that it would. What the Mainsheet does do is reach EVERY PAYING MEMBER four times a year. By disenfranchising the Mainsheet Frank Hopper and rest of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Officers have disenfranchised 600 of 700 PAYING members.
Frank Hopper and the other Officers may have done irreparable harm to the Association and the new slate of officers are hand picked to continue this trend.
Putting Bill Meinert in as V.C. is maybe the most egregious as he has manipulated the Nationals with Duane Wolff for the past two years and now has the authority to continue that trend.

Thats enough for now. Latter we will dscuss the destruction of the Fleet structure and total demise of the TellTales.

Underlined words are links to the subject.