
Comments From Edgewater Yacht ClubFleet Captain Mike Dills

Not withstanding the protestations of Mike Dills,

The Edgewater Yacht Club Fleet Captain Race Chair - Cleveland Race Week, the C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers are indeed using the Edgewater Yacht Club to put unwarranted silver n their mantles.
Fleet Captain Dills writes “The events, real or imaginary, surrounding the selection of Edgewater Yacht Club to host the 2006 and 2007 Nationals is, as it should be, of little or no interest to us.” Of course latter in his comment to this blog he writes; “We host, on average, four or five "National" events every year."
He goes on to say;
"To suggest that Edgewater was in anyway part of a conspiracy or that somehow Duane Wolf managed to cook the bid with Edgewater's complicity couldn't be further from the truth.” And then he adds this wonderful admition “We receive far more bids than we accept.”

So…. Fleet Captain Dills which is it?
You are impartial and have no say in who attends the regatta OR you made the choice to allow Duane Wolf and his surrogate Bill Meinart to participate above other worthy bids.
The C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers are struggling to get enough boats to contend and while it is amusing to watch Duane and Bill fail it does not mitigate the fact that they manipulated the Association and you made the Edgewater Yacht Club party to it.

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Fiduciary Duty (Repost)

We suggst everyone from the Edgewater Yacht Club read this.

Frank Hopper, Commodore of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association has ignored his fiduciary duty to represent the entire membership of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association by restricting the bids for the 2007 “Nationals to just the few 100 members that visit the Association Forum, leaving more than 600 members out of the democratic process to participate in the one “National” event of the year.
Frank Hopper has manipulated the bid process so the “Nationals will be awarded to Duane Wolff’s surrogate Bill Meinart who intends to use the Edgewater Yacht Club for his and Duane's own agenda.
This is a terrible misuse of the office and the paid members continue to be left out of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association’s most important events.


FOUR (4) Boats !!??

Are they The C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers KIDDING!!
They manipulated the years Nationals and the elections just make fools of themselves.

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