
Oh My &@D!!!

They need a bigger cockpit!!

Past Commodore of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association, Frank Hopper


Gee! What A Suprise!

The club our illustrious Commodore belongs to will host the 2008 Nationals.
Quite a legacy Duane and Frank have the Assoc. with.
More after the holiday.


Interesting Thread on the C25 Association Forum

"Locked topics and erased posts question..."

Steve Milby is trying to gently point out the Officers travails over the last few years and how they used their office to manipulate the Nationals to their advantage.

I will just say this and let the dialogue on the Forum continue on it's own.

I have always had a single minded approach to the governance of the Assoc. I want to see every member included in all activities of the Assoc. As you know the Assoc. was in turmoil when Ed Jacubas and I tried to restore the Assoc. We worked to figure out who was still a member, which fleets existed, which fleets wanted to continue and we worked hard to give them a voice. I saw the features in the Mainsheet as a way to not only promote our boats but to build community among the membership.
It is a fault of mine that I have taken it personally when those goals have been either disregarded or IMO outright attacked.
Don't get me wrong the forum and web site have taken great strides under the current administration but the best guess is that 20% of the membership makes use of these assets. That leaves a vast majority of paid members out in the cold.
All I have ever asked is that we use every opportunity, i.e. the Mainsheet and the Telltales as well as the forum to let all the members participate in the elections, have an open bidding process to determine the Nationals and use every effort to build the fleet structure. We have not seen a TellTales since Sept. 2006 and, IMHO, the Mainsheet has not tried to bring the fleets and members together let alone strive to tell the wonderful cruising stories that are being made.

Thanks John G-

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4 BOATS !!??

Are you KIDDING!!???

600+ members left out in the cold.
Good job.


Comments From Edgewater Yacht ClubFleet Captain Mike Dills

Not withstanding the protestations of Mike Dills,

The Edgewater Yacht Club Fleet Captain Race Chair - Cleveland Race Week, the C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers are indeed using the Edgewater Yacht Club to put unwarranted silver n their mantles.
Fleet Captain Dills writes “The events, real or imaginary, surrounding the selection of Edgewater Yacht Club to host the 2006 and 2007 Nationals is, as it should be, of little or no interest to us.” Of course latter in his comment to this blog he writes; “We host, on average, four or five "National" events every year."
He goes on to say;
"To suggest that Edgewater was in anyway part of a conspiracy or that somehow Duane Wolf managed to cook the bid with Edgewater's complicity couldn't be further from the truth.” And then he adds this wonderful admition “We receive far more bids than we accept.”

So…. Fleet Captain Dills which is it?
You are impartial and have no say in who attends the regatta OR you made the choice to allow Duane Wolf and his surrogate Bill Meinart to participate above other worthy bids.
The C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers are struggling to get enough boats to contend and while it is amusing to watch Duane and Bill fail it does not mitigate the fact that they manipulated the Association and you made the Edgewater Yacht Club party to it.

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Fiduciary Duty (Repost)

We suggst everyone from the Edgewater Yacht Club read this.

Frank Hopper, Commodore of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association has ignored his fiduciary duty to represent the entire membership of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association by restricting the bids for the 2007 “Nationals to just the few 100 members that visit the Association Forum, leaving more than 600 members out of the democratic process to participate in the one “National” event of the year.
Frank Hopper has manipulated the bid process so the “Nationals will be awarded to Duane Wolff’s surrogate Bill Meinart who intends to use the Edgewater Yacht Club for his and Duane's own agenda.
This is a terrible misuse of the office and the paid members continue to be left out of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association’s most important events.


FOUR (4) Boats !!??

Are they The C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers KIDDING!!
They manipulated the years Nationals and the elections just make fools of themselves.

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Thank You Ex-Commodore Baumgart

You know every now and then a present gets dropped in your lap.
Ex-Commodore Baumgart attempted to abase me by making a horrible accusation. The surprise came when Arlyn Stewart came to my defense and it seems the Officers finally got heads out of their respective butts and realized that Baumgart had put the entire Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association’s charter at risk.

Thanks Jim,

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Posted by John Gisondi


Oh No! Skippy Is The Forum Running Slow?

Seems the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Forum is giving some of the members a bit of trouble.

Awwwwww!!! Hee Hee Hee!!!!

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Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Elections

The Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association elections are agian going to be a total farce without the participation of the membership and controlled by the current C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers.
They even embarrassed themselves by disregarding prior nominees who volunteered earlier this year.
To his credit Commodore Jim Baumgart has decided not to run but his nominations of Frank Hopper, Vice Commodore (see photo below) for Commodore and Duane Wolff, the current Measurer for V.C. will do harm to the Association for years to come.

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Notice Posted

The following letter was sent to the Officers of the Edgewater Yacht Club

It appears that the Catalina 25/250 & Capri 25 International Association Officers
intend to use your Yacht club to host their so called “Nationals” again next year, in 2007.
Their 2006 “Nationals” were awarded to Duane Wolff, who used your organization, under very troubling circumstances.
Please visit the Catalina 25/250 Observer Blog at
and discuss amongst yourselves and your trusties whether this is in the best interest of your organization.
The decision to welcome the C25/C250 & Capri 25 Nationals is, of course, in your hands we simply ask that you look at the history that led the C25/250 – Capri 25 “Nationals” to your door step.
Thank you,
John G- & Catalina 25/250 Observers

The continued arrogance of the C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers is amazing.
The C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officers are willing to disenfranchise their own membership and use the Edgewater Yacht Club for their own agenda.

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Fiduciary Duty

Frank Hopper, Vice Commodore of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association has ignored his fiduciary duty to represent the entire membership of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association by restricting the bids for the 2007 “Nationals to just the few 100 members that visit the Association Forum, leaving more than 600 members out of the democratic process to participate in the one “National” event of the year.
Frank Hopper has manipulated the bid process so the “Nationals" will be awarded to Duane Wolff’s surrogate Bill Meinart who intends to use the Edgewater Yacht Club for their own agenda again.
This is a terrible misuse of the office and the paid members continue to be left out of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association’s most important events.

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Game On!!!

The fact the C25-C250 & Capri 25 Officershave seen fit to award the 2007 to Bill Meinfart who will use the Edgewater Yacht Club again for his own agenda is very troubling.
A memo to the Edgewater Yacht Club Officers and Trusties is being formulated and will be sent shortly.


Trailer Sailor Forum Posters Are Invited

We have invited the sailors at the Trailer Sailor Forum to come over and view the blog and comment or comment back at the Trailer Sailor Forum .

Back when the Catalina 25/250 National Association. was in turmoil the Trailer Sailor Forum gave us a place to share and start over.
The Association. again faces a small group of members who are intent on using the Association. for their own agendas.

So welcome Trailer Sailor Forum sailors. We look forward to your comments and support.


We welcome comments but….

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Hamlet III, ii, 239
Hee Hee

Duane Wolff’s buddy, Bill Meinert, posted the following comment to the “Duane Wolff continues to mislead the membership” post below.

“Hey Butthead, you want an honest answer to why I have volunteered to be the Race Committee Chairman for the 2007 Nationals in Cleveland, not Duane, (it was not his idea) it was purely mine and I made the sujestion for next years venue to be held again in Cleveland because as of that date no one had come forward to volunteer to host the the 2007 event. Including you!! You talk a lot of shit, but we don't see you organizing anything for the good of us all. So be a man and realize none of us realy give a crap about what you think.

Bill Meinert
8/16/2006 10:30 AM “

Apparently spelling is not his forte’, neither are his arguments.
Bill Meinert has been part of the Midwest group that has used the Nationals for their own agenda for many years. For Mr. Meinert to be Duane Wolff’s surrogate is disingenuous and a ploy that neither the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association. members will buy and we are sure the Edgewater Water Yacht Club officers and trusties will find troubling.
We look forward to awarding of the Nationals by this gang of officers.

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Edgewater Water Yacht Club Officers Will Be Notified

There seems to be a bit of a delay in awarding the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association. 2007 Nationals.
That could be because the Association Officers know that if they award the Nationals to Bill Meinert and the Edgewater Water Yacht Club for the second year in a row, the Officers and Trusties of the Edgewater Water Yacht Club will all get a detailed memo as to how Rev. Don Peet and Duane Wolff have misused their positions with the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association to deny the Association members a way to participate in the selection of the Nationals. They have denied the members the democratic process they paid for and used the Edgewater Yacht Club as unknowing dupes in their agenda.

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Oh Boo Hoo

It’s so sad to read Frank Hopper’s post on the Forum (requires free registration)
“Since it is incumbent on me as the Vice Commodore and therefore the National Regatta Committee Chairman to facilitate the bidding process I am feeling pretty low right now.”

What a crock…. Frank Hopper made NO attempt to get the word out to the Local Fleets and there has never been a TaleTell, the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association. newsletter, sent out in past two years.

Now In the same post we read;
“Yesterday Bill Mienert submitted a bid to hold the 07 regatta back at Edgewater (that’s the Edgewater Water Yacht Club that Duane Wolff used last year) during the Cleveland race week.”
Gee Suprise Surprise!!

Frank Hopper goes on to write’;
“I am disappointed that I have not adequately communicated the excitement and satisfaction that comes with holding a National Championship Regatta. I am certain that next year's Vice Commodore will do a better job.”

Another crock…
Frank Hopper is the only nominee for Commodore. More on the elections latter.
So there you have it. A perfectly executed plan to let Duane Wolff and his buddies continue to use the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association. for there own private party at the the Edgewater Water Yacht Club
Nicely Done!!

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Duane Wolff Continues to Mislead the Membership

Reading Duane Wolff’s post on the the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association. Forum
“Web Utilization Stats –“ (requires registration on the Forum, it’s free) proves the point that the Forum does not serve the membership.
Duane Wolff writes;
“As of 6/30/2007 we had 712 members …of the 712 almost 45 percent have been to our site in the past year and 37% have posted.”
First of all the year is 2006 MORON!!!

But more to the point of the 712 association members 55% do not use the Forum. That almost 400 paid members who gain no benefit from Duane and Frank’s precious Forum. That represents $8800.00 of the Catalina-Capri-25s association’s income.

It proves that the Forum does not serve the membership and using the Forum for the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association. business, like elections and hosting the Nationals, is a misuse and manipulation of members paid dues.

Frank Hopper, Vice Commodore and Duane Wolff continue their campaign to disenfranchise the majority of the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association members and use the Association for their own agendas.
This is important because Frank Hopper, Vice Commodore has no regard for any member who does not use the Forum and he is the sole nominee for Commodore in the upcoming elections.

August 15th is rapidly approaching, it will be interesting to see who receives the right to host the 2007 National Regatta, see the 8/05/06 post below.

Posted By John G-

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Jabba The Hut Goes Sailing?

No the photo below is Frank Hopper, Vice Commodore of the Catalina 25/250 – Capri 25 International Association..
And what is that dribble stain on his T-Shirt?

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