
Revisionist History

Self serving revisionist history does no one any good and in the long run tears at the very structure of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association.
Steve Milby has an agenda that includes whitewashing a history of the Association that he had a major part in, namely the way the Nationals were held and how officers, he served as Commodore from 1984 – 1985, were elected.
The Nationals have long been a small clique that has not served the best interests of the Association
It is telling that when our current Commodore Jim Baumgart
raised a reasonable alternative to the “Nationals” a long string of diatribes came flooding out of the Milby’s corner.
Steve knows the history of the Association and what he and the officers that followed him did to tear the Assoc apart.
When Frank Hopper, Former Commodore chimes in on a post crowing about the great work that Duane Wolff did, you just have to look at the state of the Assoc. today.
Frank did his best to reduce the Assoc. to the Forum, stating that anyone who didn’t use and post on the forum had no business being a member. He came close to stopping participation in the Mainsheet, the only communication that reaches every paying member and presided over the destruction of the Fleet structure.
The forum is an asset but asking hundreds of members to pay for a forum and a “Nations” is not a healthy sailing Assoc.
Revisionist history sweeps the current state of the Assoc. under the rug.
Jim Baumgart’s attempt to revise the racing structure from a single ill attended “Nationals” to regional sanctioned races could go a long way towards reviving the fleet structure and bring members together in real life not just in the confines of the forum.

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John Gisondi

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