

In his first post after becoming Commodore Jim Baumgart took the occasion to rekindle an old fight that he started with an oft stated falsehood.
It’s disappointing and worrying that his tenure is started with such a provocation.
We'll watch without responding and see how he intends to steer the Association.

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Enjoying Bristle – “Bristle”

Of course Dave Bristle is not the only non-catalina owner to rail against opening up the governance of the Catalina 25-250 Association to ALL the PAYING members. Steve Milby is desperately fighting to keep the past under the rug.
Neither one of them has owned a Catalina for years.

Steve, who boasts of his “Nationals” prowess would rather not have the membership know that he was a big part of the period when only attendees of the “Nationals” could vote for officers. Catalina 25-250 Association business was determined by those few racers.
It was that arrogance of the officers and “old guard” that almost destroyed the Catalina 25-250 Association.
The fight went on for a few years until Ed Jacubas managed to become Commodore.
Arlyn Stewart set up the Association Forum that we use today. And it seemed like the Association would flourish.
But there has been an erosion of the ability of the members to be informed and participate in Catalina 25-250 Association business and elections.
Frank Hopper, Former Commodore pushed through a change in the Association Bylaws that makes it unnecessary to inform ALL the PAYING members of elections or any other Catalina 25-250 Association business.

So, to watch the two fight tooth and nail to bury the past and keep the Catalina 25-250 Association members contributions to a minimum is, in it self, fascinating and slightly repellent.
It appears that the Catalina 25-250 Association will continue on this path.

It’s amazing to watch as Dave Bristle “bristles” and Steve Milby flails away, ultimately diminishing the very Catalina 25-250 Association they claim to protect.

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Strange Game

Commodore Meinert has decided to walk a very perilous line in the current elections.
I was attacked on a thread and before I could respond he locked the thread so...
The attacks stand but I am unable to defend myself.
As a nominee this gets very close to manipulation of the elections.
Meinert used the term “fiduciary duty” in the last meeting of the Officers. Using his power over the forum to allow attacks and not allow responses is very questionable. I hope they have “director insurance”.
I decided to use a thread that J.B. Manley started to answer the attacks and Meinert deleted the entire thread. WOW!!
I guess he really can’t help himself.
Anyway here is the response.

The long knives are out.
Well good!
No better time to discuss the governance of the Assoc. and how it serves All the Paying members.
Steve Milby, how about you starting things off?
While going back through the Mainsheet I see an article by you in the Feb 2002 issue, at that time Jim Meier was Commodore.
By the following issue May 2002, Ed Jacubas was Commodore.
Could/would you inform the members as to what changes the Assoc. went through during that time, why the changes happened and how officers were elected before Commodore Jacubas’ tenure?
BTW Steve Milby served as Commodore in 1984-85 (a good thing).
Whew you’re older than me!

John Gisondi
Peregrine - #4762
Mainsheet Editor 2004-2006*
*10 Featured articles & 3 Side Bar articles published for our members.

Posted By Peregrine


The Bare Minimum

One look at the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association page, yes that’s right ONE PAGE in the Mainsheet Magazine tells you everything you need to know about how the current leadership feels about the Mainsheet Magazine and communication with the membership.
Two small articles, no mention of the Association Fleets in fact no listing of the local Fleets at all.
The Mainsheet Magazine is the only guaranteed way to communicate with ALL the PAYING members.
It appears that Bill Mienert only wants meet the bare minimum of the Officers “fiduciary” duty and nothing more.

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Serving the Association

There is quite a buzz around John Gisondi “Peregrine” running for office on the Association Forum

The comments are for the most part very supportive including a post by “Britinusa” saying he would step aside so John can serve as Secretary.
Here are some samples.

I am sorry that I must decline John's kind nomination for Commodore at this time. I do, however, strongly support his bid for Secretary.
ZINGARA – Sail #4222
C25 Fleet Captain-Fleet#3

Bravo, John!
This move from governance critic to active governance volunteer is exactly what you and the association need to amend the past and to move the association forward into a healthier and more sustainable future. And, I have no doubt that with you in office that the call for nominations will finally be considered in time (late April to early May) in order to make it into the June issue of the Mainsheet. Thereby, bringing the entire membership back into the fold...whether they choose to participate or not.

If I still qualified as a voting member, I would second your nomination for Secretary.
J.B. Manley s/v Sea Trac Allied Seawind II #65
DPO s/v Antares Catalina 25 #4849
Association Treasurer 2002 - 2006
Association Bookkeeper 2002 - 2008
Association Quartermaster 2004 - 2008

Glad you added a smiley face to that one John.
I had not followed this thread prior to my putting my hat in the ring for Secretary. I would bow out and be in favor of John taking that position.
Paul – “Britinusa”

John I agree with JB.

I nominate you for Commodore.
Knotty Cat
1997 WK/TR, #321
Belhaven, NC.

There is nothing in the bylaws about running or serving in two positions so we will see how this plays out.

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Serving The Association

John G- was never a tech editor.
For over five years he was the General Editor for the Mainsheet Magazine and had more C25/C250 features published than any other Catalina editor of any length and model.
No one ever promoted our boats or our legitimate association more than he did.
Now the Association is reduced to the Forum where the stinkpot owner David Bristle has posted over 8000 times.
That is not a healthy Association nor does it expand the knowledge of our boats.
Attack the "Observer" if you must but you do it at the detriment of the Association.

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We Can’t Wait

Not to let a snarky opportunity pass us by.
The stinkpot owner David Bristle notes that we commented on Frank Hopper’s ample girth in a C25.
Well we can’t wait to see some photos of the rotund Shamu hiking out in his new hobie.
Do they have gale force winds on that lake?
Silencing The Lambs

We called attention to the fact that Frank Hopper, Former Commodore was NOT a an asset to the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association but rather a detriment.
We find it interesting that the naysayers are the few who post on the Association Forum the most, posting up to 8000 posts and are the most vocal.
The stinkpot owner David Bristle 8000+ posts and John Russell who has posted over 1100 times find their verbosity threatened by our criticism.
We have always said the Association Forum is a fine asset.
In fact John G- fought tooth and nail to keep it open without password protection to any all interested sailors who might want to know about our boats.
Not a popular position at the time. He won and Dave and John have benefited from his work.
The Association Forum does not, however, replace a true association.

It is telling that NO ONE has addressed the governance of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association and the misrepresentation that the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Officers continue to follow, that makes sure that all Paying members are not represented.
At the end of summer elections will come around. We have no doubt the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Officers will keep the nominees to the Association Forum denying PAYING members who do not use the Association Forum their due.

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Farewell to Frank Hopper

NYCat, Kevin Flaherty’s post ”Sad about loosing Frank Hopper!” on the Association Forum is truly misguided.
Frank Hopper, Former Commodore has changed the very nature of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association reducing it to the Association Forum and a few (very few) who claim to be racing in the so called “Nationals”.
In the most damaging comment and initiative Frank wrote;
”Had this forum remained as merely an adjunct to the Mainsheet magazine and an unofficial means of communication the Association would have become moribund. Now we are the most vital and best example of what a Catalina association can be, that is because people worked to change the by-laws and recognize that the community on the internet and the power of the internet was the future of the Association”.
That all sounds well and good however….
It is only the Mainsheet that reaches EVERY PAYING MEMBER four times a year. By disenfranchising the Mainsheet Frank Hopper and rest of the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Officers have disenfranchised any PAYING members who don’t use the Association Forum.
When Frank was Vice Commodore, he went on record saying that only users of the Association Forum had any business being members of the Association.
In our opinion if you have paid a full membership and don’t use the Forum you are being defrauded.
As we watch the Association Fleets slowly go back into hibernation and the so called ”Nationals” controlled by a few no one can say the Association is better off after Frank Hopper got done with it.
When Arlyn Stewart set up the Forum it was to give the owners a place to go while the Association was being rebuilt. The Association had been torn asunder by officers who tried to shove out anyone who wasn’t a racer. Sound familiar?
It was never meant to be the end all for the members. Hard work was done to rebuild the Association Fleets refresh the pages and publish C-25/C-250 features in the Mainsheet Magazine. That is now all gone after the tenure of Frank Hopper .
One can hope that the Catalina 25-250 & Capri International Association Officers will try to reverse the damage but given the current line up there is no indication they will.

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Why No One Is Talking

Frank Hopper,
AKA Jaba,
Asks why no one is talking about the "Nationals".
It is because they are not "National".
Only the North West "nationals" managed to get a double digit participation (over 20 boats) and you and the the Erie mafia managed to squelch that forever.
I know it pains you to remember that I made it possible for the Gary Bruner to become V.C.by opening up the elections to all PAYING members and have his fleet be so successful. He never served again and I was banished.
Only 4 boat "Nationals" dominated by cronies have ever participated after that brief democratic effort.
By limiting the assoc. to just the forum
managed to destroy the assoc.

Jaba’s tenure as Commodore destroyed everything the assoc had a chance to achieve,
Frank enabled Minefart to dominate the "Nationals" so he and his buddies could fill their mantles with silver that meant "NOTHING".
Frank has chased the fleets away reduced the membership and made the only communication with all paying members meaningless.
By taking membership money and limiting access to
the assoc he has violated the charter and put the assoc. in jeopardy.
Good job

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