This is the result of the officers reducing the Association to just the few who use the C25-250 forum (
They have stopped communicating with members through their newsletter and now are trying to stop the Mainsheet which is the only means of contacting all the PAYING members. They have lost nearly a third of their membership and now want to use the dues for their own purposes and are now threatening to raise those dues while removing the expense of the Mainsheet.
In the thread "Commodore Resigns" (
Steve Milby, a long time member and former Commodore writes,
"There was a year or two when the officers decided that their expenses to attend the national regatta should be paid by the Association, and the animosity that it generated almost destroyed the organization."
This is the same situation now led by the Vice Commodore Bill Meinert, whose goal is to dominate the so called "Nationals" where 4, yes 4, boats compete for the title of "National Champion".
It's sad to see the association reduced to a shell for a few.